HINWEIS: Diese Dokumentation bezieht sich auf eine veraltete PlexMap-Version 0.9. Zur aktuellen Version gelangen Sie HIER.


PlexMap is configured with an YAML configuration file, the path to which must be specified in the PLEXGIS_CONFIG variable in your settings.py. Its filename is usually config.yaml and it should reside in your project directory, next to settings.py.

Basic configuration

Basically, the configuration file has a top-level node plexgis with the basic configuration, and an arbitary number of top-level nodes for each component (see Components configuration).

These are the most common configuration settings:


The title of the PlexMap installation.

Example: Osna3D


The full name of the area (Stadt, Landkreis, Bundesland) of this installation

Example: Stadt Osnabrück


Spatial Reference System Identifier (SRID) for the database and the OpenLayers map. Communication between the various components of PlexMap is done in this SRID. Currently, this needs to be 4326 for a typical PlexMap installation as client-server communication is done in WGS84.


SRID for the source data. src_srid should be a planar coordinates system like UTM because it is used in various calculations within PlexMap.


A 4-tuple describing the bounding box of the area. This also sets the initial zoom/extent. The coordinates must be given in the coordinate system described by srid.

Hint: You can use the showbounds command to estimate the bounding box if you already have imported data. See Befehlsreferenz.


The full URL (including protocol://) where this PlexMap installation is accessible.


If this is set, the top logo in the middle of the header will link to it.


A list of all PlexMap components that are active for this installation.

A list of all available options as well as their default values can be found in the plexgis/default.yaml file. This file is loaded first and then the values are recursively updated by the ones in the PLEXGIS_CONFIG file.

Example configuration

This is an example configuration for the Bundesland Rheinland-Pfalz:

    title:          RLP3D
    subtitle:       Entwicklungsversion
    id:             rlp3d
    type:           bundesland
    name:           RLP
    srid:           4326
    src_srid:       25832
    bounds:         [7.011719, 51.59177, 9.10209, 52.910]
    minimize_components: True
    minimize_styles: True
    url:            http://rheinland-pfalz-in-3d.rlp.de/

        - globe
        - addresses
        - layers
        - selection
        - tooltip
        - poi
        - overview
        - layout

Components configuration

Each component listed in plexgis.components can also be configured in more detail. This is simply done by creating another top level node with the component name, as you can see in the following example, which sets the maximum navigation height in the globe component to 15 kilometers and switches off face culling in the globe renderer:

        max_height: 15000
        faceculling: false

For more information about the configuration of the individual components, please see Komponenten.

Multiple configuration files

Having more than on configuration file is also supported. You can set PLEXGIS_CONFIG to a list of files, which will be sequentially merged together. This can be useful if you use a deployment tool and want to overwrite certain settings.